Entries by Inbound Developer

Who is Responsible for the Quality of our Food?

Who is Responsible for the Quality of our Food? By Bill Adler, MPH, RS Technical Food Safety Consultant My wife and I just finished a Sustainable Food class through the community college.  I was thinking it was going to be about sustainable agriculture, but to my eternal surprise, it proved to be much better.  The […]

What you can Learn from a Label.

What you can Learn from a Label. By Bill Adler, MPH, RS Technical Food Safety Consultant Yesterday, I met with a farming friend who has a couple of college degrees and a smattering of super intense biochemistry courses under his belt.  We spent some time talking about the Bayer payout of $9 billion dollars to […]

Carry Over

“Carry-Over” By Bill Adler, MPH, RS Technical Food Safety Consultant Last week, I visited friends who live in very rural Winona County.  They live on a piece of land I would describe as ‘God’s Country’ because it is coiffed with prairie meadows of natural flowers, tall grass, butterflies, and tall sweetcorn.  Seriously, I expected Julie […]